Hunmanby companies join forces to raise cash

Muddy Souls Events manager Anne Duerden.Muddy Souls Events manager Anne Duerden.
Muddy Souls Events manager Anne Duerden.
Hunmanby-based companies Wold Top Brewery and Muddy Souls Events have selected Kidney Research UK as their chosen charity for 2017.

The charity is the national leading not-for-profit organisation dedicated to research into better treatments and a cure for kidney disease.

Both businesses, based at Hunmanby Grange, will fundraise throughout the year for the charity by hosting and participating in events.

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Muddy Souls events manager Anne Duerden said: “We are delighted to support such an incredible charity, and one that is very close to our hearts.

“The work of Kidney Research UK helps a great number of families and touches many lives, and our customers and staff always do a wonderful job of collecting funds for worthy causes.”

Muddy Souls has confirmed that the annual wedding open evening will take place on Monday 5 June from 6pm to 8pm.

The firms will raise further funds at the Scarborough Dragon Boat Race.